Waste generation has been and it will always be a constant in human being and its societies, especially in the case of organic wastes that are being more varied and complex. Throughout history the relation with those materials was ambiguous varying between its considerations as valuable and looked for by-products and worst wastes that they must been spilled, moved away, and hided and forgotten.
The actual variety of organic wastes, from urban to industrial origin, makes us for its treatments and valorisation, to know their characteristics, necessities and evolution of those materials before the degradative biological processes, as well as the quality and quantity of the final obtained products. Only following those principles it could be guaranteed a sizing and design of a technical installation economically valuable with a technology and a system of processing in accordance to the requisites that the waste marks. From the experience of the PhD titled "Composting of organic wastes: research of the process at an industrial scale and development of adequate experimental equipments for treatment system determination and the concrete protocol of work for an efficient development of the biological process", together with an experience of 22 years working in the field of the treatment of all kind of organic wastes by anaerobic (methanization) and aerobic (composting-vermicomposting) processes, we can offer a complete support of the customer from the advising of the most adequate treatment for his waste, following with the sizing, design and evaluation of the installation, to the formation of the people that is going to manage it.
Fortunately, the increasing awareness of the benefits and necessities to manage adequately the organic matter, the greater knowledge of the degradative and transforming biologic processes, along with the beginning of that it seems a long period of a global energetic crisis where the effects of an inadequate management and use of the natural resources are being visible, have allowed that the wastes with an organic origin start to have seen again as a valuable and usable by-product, trying, in the way of possible, return the organic matter to its natural cycle.
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